AGM February 2022

It was good to welcome a large number of our members to the AGM – as well as reviewing 2021, it also felt as if it was a positive start to what, hopefully, will be a full programme of BFAS activities in 2022. Since returning in August we had enjoyed some inspirational demonstrations; the highlight being the Open Evening with  Mark Entwistle in October.  We were encouraged by the number of members returning to our meetings but  as a result of the pandemic, and the ever increasing costs in all aspects of our lives, are also  concerned about sustaining and  increasing the membership and also the budgetary decisions we are having to make to take the society forward- we were particularly grateful for the thoughts and ideas members had contributed to an open  discussion.  Everyone was thanked for their hard work and help during the year – committee members, volunteers and members.

After the business part of the evening we welcomed Janet Galsworthy  from The  World Wildlife Trust who delivered  a very interesting talk about the Trust’s work and gave us many ideas on how to encourage wildlife into our gardens.

We look forward to seeing everyone during 2022:  the main programme starts with a demonstration by Linda Seabrook on March 1st.

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