If you would like to get in touch to enquire about a place on a workshop or if you want more details about joining us, please complete the form below and we will attend to your query as soon as we can.

Click here to see a map of our meeting venue

    Your Name *

    Your Email Address *


    Message *

    Fields marked with a * are required

    Club Meeting Details

      • The Addison Centre, Hillgrounds, Kempston.  MK42 8PN
      • First Tuesday of the month, February to December (No meeting in |January)  7:00pm for 7.30pm

    How to Find Us

    We meet at the Addison Centre in Kempston. See map below.


    The Bedford Floral Art Society does not store any information about individuals who access this web-site, except where contact via email is made.  We take your privacy very seriously and will never pass on your details to any outside organisations and/or individuals.

    If you want to be removed from our mailing list at any time, please email us at  info’at’bedfordfloralartsociety.co.uk with ‘Please Remove me from your mailing list’ in the subject bar and we will take out your email address.

    This privacy statement only covers The Bedford Floral Art Society’ web-site. Links within this site to other web-sites are not covered by this statement and visitors should consult the other web-sites’ policies.