Contemporary Workshop led by Laura Leong

A message from our Chairman about the Workshop yesterday:

“I just wanted to thank Penny for suggesting that we invite Laura Leong to lead a Contemporary workshop.  What a good idea that was.
I think it is safe to say that we all learned something new during the day and Laura’s friendly manner and relaxed style put everyone at ease.  Linda’s photos show the results of our efforts.  We are hoping Laura will be able to return in November 2011 for a Christmas workshop.
There were 24 participants in Saturday’s workshop, 9 of whom were non-members (including Wendy who travelled down from Birmingham).
It was a ‘snug’ fit in the hall but the hire of the hall and Laura’s fee for attending for the day were sizable commitments and as a club we can’t run at a loss but do always try to offer value for money and keep costs as low as possible so that people aren’t priced out of attending events.  It is worth saying that without the support of non-members we wouldn’t have been able to go ahead.
It is written in our Constitution that ‘The object of the Society shall be to stimulate and encourage the interest in the art of flower arrangement.’   Workshops are fun way of doing that.  Another good reason for offering workshops is that Adult education budgets are being cut and consequently there are fewer flower arranging classes.
As with all events a lot of hardwork and time was involved and I would like to thank Linda P. and Penny for making the day run so smoothly.”

Linda R

PS.  As Editor, I would like to add that without the enthusiasm and drive of our chairman, Linda R, there wouldn’t have been a workshop at all and it is therefore Linda that we should all be thanking.

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