Daphne Grant April 2016

By the end of the evening everyone was feeling very jealous of what a beautiful garden Daphne must have    – her variety, use, knowledge and love of  mainly home grown plant material was tremendous.

Her demonstration ‘Old Friends and New Faces’  used a variety of containers, all of which had a story attached – some from years ago and others very recent.

We have chosen two of our favourite arrangements . Firstly the horizontal one using pink stripe phormium leaves, ‘antique’roses , bouvardia, bergenia, viburnum tinus and badam pods.  Midollino sticks formed the focus of the next design round which purple carnations and scarlet gerbera were spiralled. This was finished off with choisya sundance, hebe and coca spathes.

The other four arrangements were equally  well planned and executed  with interesting combination of colours  and a wide variety of flowers including irises, agapanthus, caffia lilies, chrysanthemums and tulips.


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