February 2019 AGM

BFAS is still a flourishing and successful club! – this was reported at our AGM by officers’ reports. We have a membership of over 90 and have welcomed several new members this year.  We  have had a varied and successful programme including inspirational and entertaining demonstrations, an enjoyable and instructive workshop with Barbara Collins, a visit to Ely Cathedral Flower Festival and a practical members evening when we again realised the talent and expertise we have within our membership. We continue to provide weekly flowers in the Faith Room at Bedford Hospital. Committee members were all thanked for their hard work throughout the year especially on meeting the challenge when three demonstrators  had unavoidably cancelled at short  notice. Volunteers and members were also thanked for their contribution and hard work. We were delighted to announce that a cheque for £475 would be sent to Magpas Air Ambulance as a result of charity fund raising throughout the year.

Following the formal part of the evening Rachelle Merrill gave us an illustrated talk entitled  ‘Home Grown Talent’ . She concentrated on three areas: Why Buy British flowers? The  Flowers from the Farm organisation and Merri Flowers. Merri Flowers is a local small business focussing on growing and selling Christmas trees and British flowers; they like to provide customers with personal experiences e.g. tagging your chosen Christmas tree and selecting blooms of your own choice.

We look forward to starting our programme of demonstrations on March 5th when Sharon Badger will present ‘Vision of the Future’.

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