Inside Track with the Home Counties Area Chairman – Anne Firth

In December 2007, Anne Firth was appointed as Chairman to the Home Counties Area of NAFAS. To give members a better understanding of how our local Club fits in with the bigger organisation, Anne kindly agreed to answer some questions for us. We hope you will find it both informative and interesting!

Q. When/ why did you join your first flower club?
I joined my first flower club in Harpenden in 1981 when I moved here.  I had been to flower arrangement classes
previously and had been on the waiting list for a club in Cheshire where we had been living.  I thought it would be a good way to meet new people who had a similar interest to me.

Q. What does your role with NAFAS involve?
My role with NAFAS is largely administrative.  Organising events and seeing to the day to day running of the Area.

Q.  What are the best bits?                                    
A. Going round to the flower clubs in the Area and meeting the members

Q. ……and the worst?
There are no worst bits

Q. What is your favourite flower?
I do not have a favourite flower.  I like different flowers depending on the occasion.

Q. What piece of advice would you give to a new flower arranger?
Have a go and enjoy yourself.  Flower arranging is a very subjective art form and if you are satisfied with
your arrangement, that is the most important thing, but always be open to new ideas as well.  Flower arrangers on the whole are very friendly people and are always ready to help and advise someone new to flower arranging.  Join a Flower Club!

Q. What/where was the most memorable arrangement you have seen?
I can’t pick out an individual arrangement as there have been many memorable ones.  I think the
most memorable event I have been to was the WAFA show in Glasgow.

Q. Are there any special events planned for the NAFAS Golden anniversary next year that local clubs will be able to get involved in?
Local clubs will be able to attend the
  Gala dinner in Coventry on 17th July.  There is also NAFAS Golden Fanfare Week beginning  Monday 26th January when clubs are asked to do arrangements to place in libraries promote their own club in particular and NAFAS in general.   There is also the Westminster Abbey Flower Festival in May.  At least one club from the Area will be invited to stage an exhibit at the Abbey.

Q. Anything else you want to say?
Support your club in any way you can and come along to Area events where you can meet like minded people.  The
Area Officers would be delighted to see you at the Area Members’ Day and the Area Lunch etc. and finally, enjoy your flower arranging. Get involved!    


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