Tuesday 6th May was a lovely sunny evening. Members of the Flower Society got together at the Addison Centre along with a good number of visitors who were making their first visit to the group to be entertained by Elizabeth Wait who created some lovely and unusual arrangements along the theme of ‘Let’s twist again’. The twisting came in the form of woven leaves made from Bear Grass, twisted hazel branches, sisal, phormia leaves and other creative ideas. The results of her efforts can be seen below.
Lunch at the Waldorf Hotel, London
Linda Robinson has written a few words about her recent visit to London to a special Floral Luncheon:
On Wednesday 30th April, 8 members of Bfas went to The Waldorf Hotel in London to attend the 50th SSAFA (The Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Asssociation) – Forces Help Floral Luncheon. We had a lovely time and there may well be photos from other people, but I’ve chosen four to give the flavour of the event.
Photo 1 This arrangement was done by Sandy Bailey, a National Demonstrator who spent some of her early years living in Bedford. We had an opportunity to talk with Sandy about the possibility of her visiting our Club in 2010 our 50th Anniversary year. Watch this website!!!
Photo 2 The Guest of Honour – Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall.
Photo 3 This is Dr Christina Curtis another national Demonstrator who also had a wonderful arrangement on display.
Photo 4 This is Julia Clements OBE VMH, now 102 years old who had the original idea of organising a Luncheon in aid of the SSAFA charity and only retired from the organising committee on her 100th birthday!
Inside Track with the Home Counties Area Chairman – Anne Firth
In December 2007, Anne Firth was appointed as Chairman to the Home Counties Area of NAFAS. To give members a better understanding of how our local Club fits in with the bigger organisation, Anne kindly agreed to answer some questions for us. We hope you will find it both informative and interesting!
Q. When/ why did you join your first flower club?
A. I joined my first flower club in Harpenden in 1981 when I moved here. I had been to flower arrangement classes previously and had been on the waiting list for a club in Cheshire where we had been living. I thought it would be a good way to meet new people who had a similar interest to me.Q. What does your role with NAFAS involve?
A. My role with NAFAS is largely administrative. Organising events and seeing to the day to day running of the Area.Q. What are the best bits?
A. Going round to the flower clubs in the Area and meeting the membersQ. ……and the worst?
A. There are no worst bitsQ. What is your favourite flower?
A. I do not have a favourite flower. I like different flowers depending on the occasion.Q. What piece of advice would you give to a new flower arranger?
A. Have a go and enjoy yourself. Flower arranging is a very subjective art form and if you are satisfied with your arrangement, that is the most important thing, but always be open to new ideas as well. Flower arrangers on the whole are very friendly people and are always ready to help and advise someone new to flower arranging. Join a Flower Club!Q. What/where was the most memorable arrangement you have seen?
A. I can’t pick out an individual arrangement as there have been many memorable ones. I think the most memorable event I have been to was the WAFA show in Glasgow.Q. Are there any special events planned for the NAFAS Golden anniversary next year that local clubs will be able to get involved in?
A. Local clubs will be able to attend the Gala dinner in Coventry on 17th July. There is also NAFAS Golden Fanfare Week beginning Monday 26th January when clubs are asked to do arrangements to place in libraries etc.to promote their own club in particular and NAFAS in general. There is also the Westminster Abbey Flower Festival in May. At least one club from the Area will be invited to stage an exhibit at the Abbey.Q. Anything else you want to say?
A. Support your club in any way you can and come along to Area events where you can meet like minded people. The Area Officers would be delighted to see you at the Area Members’ Day and the Area Lunch etc. and finally, enjoy your flower arranging. Get involved!
Jo Bromwich – “It’s a surprise”
On Tuesday 1st April our visiting flower arranger was Jo Bromwich who created 6 arrangements using seasonal flowers such as tulips and Iris as well as lots of beautiful roses.
John Chennell – The magic of Christmas
On Tuesday 4th December John Chennell visited us to create some flower arrangements with a theme of “The Magic of Christmas”.
Click on the small photos to see a full size image.
Lesley Sturdy – ‘The Changing Seasons’
We had a lovely evening on Tuesday evening when Lesley Sturdy created 6 floral arrangements depicting the Changing Seasons. As usual a raffle was held and below are some photo’s of the lucky ladies who took away an arrangement created by Lesley as well as some general pictures:~
Members Autumn Workshop
A group of Flower Society members had a lovely day on Saturday in the Church Hall at Kempston Church End where they were able to spend a whole day arranging flowers and trying out new designs expertly led by Ann Gray. The contemporary designs were based on 2 ideas featured in the Summer edition of ‘The Flower Arranger’ magazine and a selection of the results of the ladies efforts can be seen below.
(Just click on the picture to see the full size photo)
Visit to Royal National Rose Society Gardens – St Albans
31 Members and friends went on the trip to the Rose Gardens. The weather stayed dry and fine and everyone enjoyed the afternoon out. Linda Robinson has written the following report:
Tuesday 7th dawned fair and bright although the weatherman warned of showers later in the day. But we were lucky and not one drop of rain spoiled our visit.
Leaving promptly at 12.30pm we negotiated the diversions in Kempston, and the road works on the M1 to arrive at Chiswell Green about 1.45.
Armed with our free guide we went our separate ways to explore. Some to the flowerbeds, some to the tearoom and some to the toilets! I like to have a quick look all round and then prioritise which bits to look at more closely. In fact the two and a quarter hours we had in the gardens allowed us time to look at, study, discuss and photograph all the rose beds and have something to eat and enjoy a cup of tea.
The roses were lovely of course, especially the scented ones; my favourite was Gertrude Jekyll. But what made the afternoon special for me was the tranquillity – being able to sit quietly near one of the ponds, watching the fountain playing gently and appreciating, admiring and revelling in the beauty that is a garden.
I’ve read that banana skins dug in around the roots of roses (with the inside of the peel facing down) will improve the quality of them.
Ikuyo Morrison has sent in some photo’s of the Rose Garden Visit which she is happy to share. Please click on the thumbnails to see the pictures in full size.
The Royal National Rose Society
The Gardens of the Rose
Chiswell Green
St Albans
Hertfordshire AL2 3NR
Tel: +44(1727) 850461
web: www.rosesociety.org
Gill McGregor – “Summer Delight”
Click on the images for larger versions.
Visit to George Smith’s house
On 26th June 2007 a coach full of BFAS members went up to York to visit the home of George Smith. After lunch in York George welcomed us and took us round his garden before showing us into the Granary where we had tea and biscuits and admired a wall arrangement he had done. (photo’s taken by Ikuyo Morrison). Please click to enlarge.