2024 Programme of Events


Date Guest/Event Title Cost
Tues 6th  February 2024 AGM

Talk by Caroline Luxford of Bedfordshire Beekeepers Association ‘Honey Bees and Other Wild Bees’ follows the  business meeting

Tues 5th March  Barbara Collins ‘The Joys of Spring’ Free to members Visitors £8
Saturday 9th March    

Fund raising Fashion Show Oakley Village Hall 2.30pm

Tickets £7.50
Tues 2nd April Lynne Sharpe

 ‘Car Boot Collection’

Free to members Visitors £8
Tues 7th May  In house Practical and Social Evening Free to members 
Tues 4th June

Andrew Key

‘May to September’ Free to members Visitors £8

Tues 2nd July

Christine Long ‘Loosely Round the Solar System’      Free to members Visitors £8
Tues 3rd September Jackie Page ‘Connections’ Free to members Visitors £8
Tues 1st October Sarah Fenton National Demonstrator ~~  OPEN MEETING ~~
‘Let’s Go ………..’
To reserve tickets please email us at:  tickets@bedfordfloralartsociety.co.uk
£10 members £15 non-members
Tues 5th November  In house Practical and Social Evening Free to members Visitors £8
Tues 3rd December Beverley Artis ‘Christmas at Tiffany’s’ Free to members Visitors £8
January 2025
No Meeting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  
Tues Feb  4th  2025 AGM



Club Membership

You can become a member of Bedford Floral Art Society at any meeting – just ask when you arrive. Annual subscription for  2024  is £48  and allows you to come to the majority of  our events for no additional payment. It’s excellent value and an entertaining night out – please come along, or contact us via the contact form if you’d like more information.